We are delighted to announce that Trainer Coach, Frankie Roberts, is our new Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Ambassador.

As part of this exciting new role, Frankie will work to improve the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion across our business, animal care and equine sectors, to ensure that all potential learners have equal opportunities when looking to undertake an apprenticeship or traineeship.

Frankie will create informative resources, available to both learners and employers, highlighting the importance of E,D&I, promote and attend upcoming topical events and collaborations with like-minded businesses, as well as providing tailored content across our social media platforms – watch this space!

Frankie says, “I’m really excited to have been given the opportunity for this role. I’m looking forward to showcasing some of the fantastic work Haddon Training do regarding equality, diversity and inclusion, and how we continue to ensure that as a company, people are treated as equals and that their differences are celebrated.”

If you are interested in discussing any ideas or collaborations with Frankie, please contact her by calling 07795 842 192 or email her at francesca.roberts@haddontraining.co.uk.