“I fully believe that education is a vital part of people’s experience when working in the equine industry.”

–Charlie Hutton, AASE Coach 2020–

As we approach the start of our AASE 2020 programme we caught up with one of our elite coaches Charlie Hutton to find out more on his involvement in AASE and his thoughts on the course.

How did you become involved in Haddon Training’s AASE programme?

My interest has always been in education and wanting to find my own niche to help and support younger riders. I am continuously pro-active in finding ways in which to do this, and as part of the BEF Youth Pathway Coaching programme, I met Nicola McLeish and Targa Hammond. They are both experienced coaches on Haddon Training’s AASE programme already, and through them, I heard about the work they do and wanted to be involved.

What is your role in the AASE programme?

As an experienced coach I have been brought onto the programme to support and mentor learners in their flatwork across all three disciplines; dressage, eventing and showjumping.

What is special about the AASE programme?

It aims to broaden each learner’s knowledge and skillset so that they can progress into their chosen field.  It caters for a gap in the market in respect of the target audience; we are focusing on young people who are in employment but need more in terms of education to reach their full potential.  I fully believe that education is a vital part of people’s experience when working in the equine industry.

Who do you think AASE appeals to and who should apply?

I think that for any young person wanting to push themselves to go further as an equestrian athlete, AASE is a massive stepping stone to help them achieve their ambitions and they should definitely apply. It is also a fantastic opportunity for people from all backgrounds to continue learning and expanding their knowledge without additional financial burdens which are often amassed in other education settings.

Why do you think AASE is important to young athletes?

For young people who have entered employment in this industry, they are choosing to embark on a career for life. I believe AASE covers specific and important areas of education for athletes, which can sometimes be overlooked once you enter employment.

From a coaching perspective, AASE gives us the ability to be more open with our learners – it is less about being orientated to specific dressage, eventing or showjumping training which could be obtained elsewhere.  It truly helps to make them an all-rounded, better, more knowledgeable rider and gives the coach the opportunity to check and challenge the norm. As a coach, it’s all about guiding, mentoring and supporting our athletes; giving help and advice to push them to be the best they can be.

What do you think young people get from AASE?

AASE is designed to help people achieve the career choice they are aspiring towards. It gives that extra depth that they might not necessarily be receiving in the profession. They have a network of highly skilled coaches with invaluable experience.

AASE is a community that continues beyond the completion of the course and it’s amazing to be a part of that.”