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12 September 2024

NRW: Meet Our Racing Trainer Coach, Helen

As part of our celebration of National Racehorse Week, we’d like to introduce Helen, who has recently joined the Haddon Training team as a Racing Trainer Coach. With a strong foundation in coaching, competition, and breeding, Helen brings a wealth of knowledge to her new role. She shares insights into her journey, qualifications, and what excites her most about this next chapter in her career. Can you introduce yourself and...

26 September 2023

Corporate Vision Awards – Best Equine Apprenticeship Provider 2023!

25 September 2023

Proud to support the BGA’s Pro Groom School

10 August 2023

Win a £50 Amazon voucher!

10 July 2023

Animal Care and Dog Grooming Training Provider of the Yea

06 July 2023

Celebrating Inclusivity

29 June 2023

Apprenticeship Ambassador: Blog 9

05 May 2023

Competition Time: Can you spot Natalie?

04 May 2023

Apprenticeship Ambassador: Blog 8

26 April 2023

Thoughts from a racing apprentice

14 April 2023

Associate members of BETA

05 April 2023

Welfare at the heart of Haddon Training

07 March 2023

Racing apprentice, Joe Leavy, shares his experience

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