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Apprenticeship Ambassador Emilia: Blog 14

Hey Everyone!

Since my last blog, I have completed the ‘BEF Young Professionals Programme’ run by British Equestrian! It was such a brilliant programme and I thoroughly enjoyed all of the informative sessions. These sessions have predominantly been based on how to run your equestrian business correctly. Some of the sessions since my last blog have been

  • Health and Safety at work
  • Insurance to run your business
  • Recruitment and leadership
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Conflict Management

The Programme finished with a yard visit (Dressage Specific) as this is my chosen discipline, to Louise Bell’s yard. It was great as we were able to see the layout and running of her yard, her routine and even got to see her teach. In the afternoon we had a Q&A session which enabled us to ask anything about running an equestrian business. We got to hear personal experiences, the good and how to overcome the bad times. I thought this was a brilliant way to end the programme as it rounded it off nicely seeing what we had learnt being put in to practice.

Haddon Training are currently accepting applications to the next Apprenticeship in Equestrian Sporting Excellence (AESE). Emilia, who is a former AESE athlete, took part in this exciting programme. Emilia says:

“ I found the AESE programme truly inspiring and being around like minded athletes was really beneficial. It was great to get hands on training as well as ridden sessions with top professionals. The goal setting area of the programme was especially beneficial and has helped me achieve my goals!”

Our Apprenticeship in Sporting Excellence (AESE) programme is a further education option that helps young showjumping, eventing, and dressage athletes reach their full potential. AESE is run in proud partnership with British Showjumping and British Eventing and is recognised as part of British Equestrian’s Performance Pathway.

For more details on our AESE programme and how to apply, click here.

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