Hi Everyone!
I’ve had a busy couple of months studying and I have lots of competition news to update you on!
2024 began with a Pre-Regional runout at Onley Grounds. I came away with 68.79% in the P17a which I was really happy with. Not long after this event was the Prelim Gold Regional championships, which included a very competitive class and had some top horses and riders in. I was delighted to finish 13th out of 31 with a score of 67.76% (with one small blip in the trot work). He was such a good boy and wasn’t fazed by the atmosphere at his first major championship show!
A couple of weeks after this, I competed at Solihull Equestrian Centre for the Petplan Area Festivals at Novice Silver. It was an awful day with rain, wind, flooding and hail… and I was competing outside!!! This didn’t faze Dennis though, and we went on to score 67.74 placing us 6th, allowing us to experience our first prize giving together! I was over the moon and he behaved impeccably in the prize giving. Considering this was only our 5th time riding the Novice 23 test, I was chuffed to come away with this result.
I was also lucky enough to groom for Judy Harvey and her ride SP Bento for both of her Regional Final Competitions at Onley Grounds at PSG Gold and Inter 1 Gold level. They gained x2 Tickets to the National Championships at Addington EC in April which is incredible!
We have also been lucky enough to have weekly training from Ian Cast whilst Judy is enjoying her downtime abroad. Dennis has really enjoyed his training and is feeling so much stronger. We have started to work on his lateral work (shoulder ins, leg yielding, 1/4s in on a circle) and working on the walk/canter/walk transitions. He has really progressed each week and is picking up his new tricks very easily! I am really enjoying producing him, and having owned him since a foal it feels like an extra special achievement!
Last week I took him to Onley again to compete in the Novice 38 test. This was his first time riding the harder Novice and he really enjoyed the more complex work in the ring! We scored 68.87% with some lovely comments on our sheet.
Since my last blog, I have had a couple of sessions on the Young Professionals Programme, which have been informative and useful for my future. This programme is proving to be the perfect next step to make my future career become the best it can be. My most recent workshop was with Jane Holden, where we talked about our strengths, time management and mental health.
I have also passed multiple modules on my Social Media for Business apprenticeship through Haddon Training and Educ8, modules include image software, video software and principles of keywords and optimisation. I am really enjoying this apprenticeship and it is teaching me a lot about social media within a business context.
I have a couple more shows coming up in my schedule, I am hoping to complete my Summer Novice Silver Regional qualification soon and hopefully qualify for the Elementary Silver Area Festival too. I also have another training session with Stephen Clarke planned so I am excited to show him the progress I have made!